“Aeroponic Systems Design: Considerations and Challenges”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchAlbert Min, Nam Nguyen, Liam Howatt, Marlowe Tavares, Jaho Seo Abstract Controlled Environment Agriculture holds promise as a way to intensify current agricultural production systems while limiting pressures on land, water, and energy resources. However, its use has not yet been widely adopted, partly because the engineering design considerations and associated challenges are not well… Read more
“The Role of Aeroponic Container Farms in Sustainable Food Systems – The Environmental Credentials”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchXimena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer Abstract Sustainable food production and consumption are key to face the current climate and environmental crisis, hence innovation to produce food with lower impacts are taking more attention. Controlled environment agriculture, also known as vertical farming, is seen as one innovative approach to reduce… Read more
“Aeroponics: An emerging food growing system in sustainable agriculture for food security”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchShahzadi Bilkeesa Salma, Shubham and Shilpa Kaushal Abstract Aeroponics is a relatively new soilless culture methods that is becoming popular because of its fast maturation, it is cheap, and it is different. This kind of technology allows for things like effective nutrition in root zone, climate control, and plant health diagnostics, which helps in transition… Read more
“Sustainable Farming Using Aeroponics Cultivation”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchDr. Somashekhar G. C, Dr. Keshavamurthy, Prakash R. L Abstract Aeroponics, a soilless farming method derived from the Latin words ‘aero’ (air) and ‘ponic’ (labor), offers a promising solution to address the future food crisis. It is gaining popularity among many individuals due to its speed, cost-effectiveness, and innovative approach. As a form of hydroponic… Read more
“Aeroponic Systems: A Unique Tool for Estimating Plant Water Relations and NO3 Uptake in Response to Salinity Stress”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchEndale Geta Tafesse , Moses Kwame Aidoo , Naftali Lazarovitch , Shimon Rachmilevitch Abstract The study of transpiration, water, and nutrient uptake during abiotic stress in the root zone is hindered because of the hidden nature of the root zone. In this study, a modified aeroponic system was used to evaluate whole plant transpiration, nitrate… Read more
“Modern Plant Cultivation Technologies in Agriculture under Controlled Environment: A Review on Aeroponics”
Imran Ali Lakhiar, et al. 2018. Journal of Plant Interactions 13(1): 338-352. ABSTRACT: “This review paper describes a novel approach to plant cultivation under soil-less culture. At present, global climate change is expected to raise the risk of frequent drought. Agriculture is in a phase of major change around the world and dealing with serious… Read more
“Influence of Aeroponic System on Growth and Yield Parameters of V-1 Mulberry”
G. A. Nishchitha, et al. 2023. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13(5): 290-300. EXCERPT: “It can be inferred that the aeroponic system enhance the rates of plants growth by promoting the root aeration because the root system is totally suspended in the air, giving the plant stem and roots system access to 100%… Read more
“Yield, Characterization, and Possible Exploitation of Cannabis Sativa L. Roots Grown under Aeroponics Cultivation”
Fabbio Ferrini, et al. 2021. Molecules 26(16): 4889. ABSTRACT: “Cannabis sativa L. has been used for a long time to obtain food, fiber, and as a medicinal and psychoactive plant. Today, the nutraceutical potential of C. sativa is being increasingly reappraised; however, C. sativa roots remain poorly studied, despite citations in the scientific literature. In this direction, we identified and quantified… Read more
Grow Cannabis With Healthy Roots – Oxygen can be a limiting factor in the root zone by Ed Rosenthal
“Cannabis plants are dependent on their environment for materials and energy. These key inputs, known as the limiting factors, drive photosynthesis and therefore plant growth. As outlined in the Marijuana Grower’s Handbook, the limiting factors are light, carbon dioxide, nutrients, water, and temperature. Through my work to update the book, which is now the Cannabis… Read more
“Monitoring and Control Systems in Agriculture Using Intelligent Sensor Techniques: A Review of the Aeroponic System”
Categories: Scholarly ResearchImran Ali Lakhiar, et al. Hindawi: Journal of Sensors 2018. Article ID 8672769. ABSTRACT: “In recent years, intelligent sensor techniques have achieved significant attention in agriculture. It is applied in agriculture to plan the several activities and missions properly by utilising limited resources with minor human interference. Currently, plant cultivation using new agriculture methods is… Read more